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Other Works

Though writing is my primary passion, I'm also an editor/publisher, filmmaker, performer, singer-songwriter, and podcast host. You can find links to these projects here.

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Punk Monk Press/Magazine

I've been the EIC of Punk Monk Press/Magazine since its creation in 2012. We publish honest, raw work exploring the breadth and depth of the human condition, and are particularly excited to lift up femme/queer voices. For submission guidelines, please visit

GTFO: a short film

Subnormality creator Winston Rowntree and I created this short film, an adaptation of a story from Sluts in Whores, in 2022. It won the Best Short First Time Filmmaker award from Cult Movies International Film Festival, and was a finalist/semi-finalist at other festivals. Watch here

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Scribbles and Spills podcast logo

Scribbles & Spills Podcast

Scribbles & Spills is a podcast where creatives of all kinds expound on their art and spill their secrets.

Listen here

Visit the podcast's website here.


I was the singer-songwriter, creator and lead of The Catalysts, a pop punk donut glazed in riot grrl with emo sprinkles on top. Listen to our last single here

I have other music projects, including Lucky Girl, a dreamo duo with TC Folkpunk: you can listen to Lucky Girl's first single here. My rap alter-ego Sara Tonin released their first (and probably last) album in 2022. Listen to Self Care here

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